Election Solutions



Get everything included in Neighborhood plus:

Association assurance

BallotWatchers' Exclusive SB323 Relief Package (Monthly Subscription)


Get everything included in Community plus:

  • Convenient monthly payments

  • Includes any additional unplanned membership vote throughout the one-year election cycle

At BallotWatchers, we understand the mandates of SB323 may be unexpected and unwelcome, particularly for HOAs which approved their 2020 operating budgets earlier in 2019. Our exclusive Association Assurance Plan affords the convenience of twelve (12) monthly payments, and safeguards against the expense of an unanticipated additional membership vote during that one-year period.

With the Association Assurance plan, BallotWatchers will provide your Association with a full Neighborhood package of election services for your annual Board of Director election, and — at no additional expense — will provide that same level of services for an additional membership vote (assessment, recall, exclusive use authorization, or governing document amendments) your Association might unexpectedly be required to schedule during the following 12 months. If protecting your Association's 2020 budget is a priority, BallotWatchers' exclusive Association Assurance Plan is your SB323 election solution.